Tail Emissions (0.1235 PHL) reached in Why placeholders? (see below)

Forgot Your Password?

Use the form below to reset your Placeholders Password
Use this form to recover the log in to your account. If you have 2-Form Factor enabled, you will also need to include your 2FA auth code when logging in.

If you have lost your 2FA key and you need to have it reset, you can send us a formal 2FA reset request email at [email protected].

The action of logging in to use our services constitutes acceptance of our terms of service.

Please note, any 2FA reset request must originate from the email associated with the account.

Enter your email address to reset your password:


Chain Snapshot




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* Total height is comprised of 75000 SHA256 + 129600 x16r (fork) + -1 x16r Height (current fork)